Dora's new apartment is nice and simple, love the city night view~ didn't get a chance to take pics of her apartment b/c I didn't know my camera ran out of batteries...was charging that night...maybe next time cuz I like her green and white "IKEA" living room
but the bathtub faucet broke when I was about to ended up washing my hair in the basin XD took so long and it was so tired...
didn't sleep until 5am b/c Dora kept wanting to show me these funny Korean variety shows which won't load... she gets excited past midnight and started to talk high...then I told her to watch it tomorrow as we have to get up early to go back to Richmond
I got up at 10am to finish my homework while Dora slept some more (since I slacked off the whole time the night before...too much distractions: talking to Dora, TV, Pet Society...@@)
finally came to Richmond for lunch @ Twinkle^2 at 1pm

the egg roll was pretty good

the beef is also not bad

they used too much starch and was all sticky and I only ate like 1 oyster in the entire pancake?!

綠色水果茶+星星 x 百香果紅茶+星星
really filling cuz it's huge...
the food was pretty good but they were so slow after we ordered cuz there was only 1 person working that time and there were many customers...guess they didn't expect so many ppl would come cuz it's CNY LOL
after lunch we went to Richmond Center for shopping...

came across Pet Habitat and saw these cute puppies at the window display

this one is not shy to the camera at all

but this one is super won't turn around for the camera

what are you looking at?


give me five
then @ 8pm, went to the Richmond OZONE with Sharon to see the fireworks and F.I.R.

we got there early so there were still not much ppl, but once the fireworks and performance was started, the place was jam packed...

lion dance

Will Liu 劉耕宏 was the special guest, surprised to see him there

he was so funny speaking to the hosts "你們的英文好像也沒有好到哪裡去“ HAHAHA~ nice one~

only Faye and Real showed up...where's Ian?

who's this bass player?!

great LIVE performance by F.I.R. as usual =)

Real is looking at my camera, hehe ^^

they sang 5 songs in total (我要飛, 你的微笑, 月牙灣, Lydia, We Are) and held a brief CD autograph session after the show, but there were too many ppl lining up, they left after 20-30 min before some ppl could get their autographs...we didn't line up cuz it was too crazy
they will have their charity concert @ River Rock Casino the next day, which is completely SOLD OUT~~
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